Friday, November 12, 2010

Joining The Conversation Everyone Keeps Talking About!!

"Social Media" - it is a topic we have all heard TONS about over the past year!  So, what does it mean? Why should we be using it as professionals? How effective is it in our industry? What's the point of this medium?

Over the past year, our team has closely watched and researched the trends related to this controversial topic.  We have learned through trial and error some very effective tools available for use, and some that may not be the best fit for our industry.  But one of the main lessons we have learned is that is it better to be a part of this world-wide conversation that keeps growing than to be sitting on the side-lines waiting to be invited. 

SO, we officially invite you to share your thoughts on this topic, and join us in the medium that works best for you!  You can chat with us on Twitter, join our growing page on Facebook, and connect with us on LinkedIn.  We hope you stay tuned to our blog "What Inspires You?" for more thoughts and articles on this and additional topics effecting our industry.

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